
Lost in the Digital Era? Here’s How to Stay Ahead with Smart Marketing


1. Introduction: Why This Blog Matters I am Sijin Stephen Menachery, CEO of INTUISYZ Technologies, a leading digital marketing agency in India. Over the years, I have helped numerous brands grow exclusively through online strategies. Additionally, I co-anchor a YouTube channel with over 200,000 subscribers. Whether you are a business owner, a marketing or sales professional, a freelancer, or a...

Every Personality is Essential in Business: Lessons from The Godfather and Beyond


In business, just like in movies, every personality plays a pivotal role. From the visionary leader to the loyal executor, each personality type contributes uniquely to the success of a team or an organization. To make this relatable, let’s look at how The Godfather, one of the most iconic movies ever made, mirrors the dynamics of leadership, strategy, and operational efficiency in...

Chodyam shariyalla


Unbecoming questions Fear of sounding stupid is a paralyzing force. The first time I faced this was when I was trying to speak English with proper speakers of the language. I had started learning the language only after I turned 9 years old. I still sound stupid when I speak English, I don’t care. There are numerous instances where what comes out of your mouth is completely different from...



Creativity is just connecting things..Steve Jobs I didn’t plan to do digital marketing. Digital Marketing happened to me. When I was struggling to start a business in the technology realm, I stumbled into this business. I like to believe that I am a born programmer. When marketing industry initiated it’s digital transformation, I happened to be in the crossroads. In spite of the lack...

Books i recommend


If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book. J.K Rowling I have been a bookworm for as long as I can remember. I started reading quite early. I can’t remember even a brief period I have stayed away from reading. The medium has changed from time to time. I started reading in Malayalam when I was very young. As English reading became less of a cognitive load, I have read many...



The best way to predict the future is to invent it.Steve Jobs A few years into my career as an engineer, I had this weird idea. I have to do my own business. Like every other careers, entrepreneurship is nothing like it looks from outside. There are many myths of entrepreneurship that needs to be busted. myth 1 -it’s a glamorous career. Stories are always written about the winners. Most...

how to talk politics without losing friends


What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy?Mahatma Gandhi Politics has always been a very emotional topic for the highly political. I remember local tea shops in Kerala displayed ‘Politics discussion Not Allowed’ 20 years back. Local tea...

DIGITAL marketing sins to avoid


Although we live in a civilized society, the business world remains a jungle.Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Digital is new; everyone is excited. The CEO wants to tick all the items in the digital checklist. He wants a great website. The traffic target has been set. A Social media team has been created. Even a large part of the marketing budget has been allocated to digital. In this enthusiasm...

my mistakes


Did you take the bait ? This is not my confession. This is a list of your mistakes too. One of the strategies I have adopted after I stopped being a reckless adventure-seeking maniac is to figure out my frequent mistakes. This helps me become a less reckless adventure-seeking maniac. my ego, my enemy It took a lot of time for me to recognize that my ego is not always my friend. It is helpful, but...

sijin stephen

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